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Neha Dhamankar Paediatric Physiotherapist UAE

Neha is a paediatric physiotherapist practicing in the field of neurorehabilitation for the past 10 years. She completed her bachelors in physiotherapy from India and went on to complete her masters degree in neurorehabilitation from Cardiff University, UK.

She has gained experience across various paediatric settings in India, UK and Dubai ranging from NICU and inpatient management, moving onto outpatient and community rehabilitation and recently having worked in a special needs school for children in Dubai.

She is trained in gait analysis and rehabilitation, orthotics prescription, principles of school-based conductive education, aquatic therapy and therapy incorporating hippotherapy (using equine movement). She has worked with children with complex neurological needs, metabolic and genetic conditions, neuromuscular conditions, ASD, global developmental delays and post surgical management needs.

She is passionate about incorporating child led play, learning and communication into therapy and strongly believes in a transdisciplinary approach including family education to help develop a child’s full potential.