Down Syndrome is a chromosomal condition that occurs in one out of every 700 children. The main cause for down syndrome is the presence of an extra chromosome. Every baby is generally born with 46 chromosomes in each cell, 23 from the mother and 23 from the father. Those with Down Syndrome have an extra copy of chromosome 21, causing the symptoms of this condition.
Here are some facts that parents should know:
-Down Syndrome is the most common chromosomal condition in the world.
-Experts are still not completely aware of why babies are born with an extra chromosome 21. Some studies suggest that genetics don’t play a major role while others suggest advanced maternal age could be a factor.
-Down Syndrome is classified into three types; Trisomy 21, the most common, Transcolation Down Syndrome, affecting 3-4%, and Mosaic Down Syndrome which is rare.
-Those with Down Syndrome share common physical characteristics such as slanted eyes that are almond-shaped, decreased muscle tone, flatter face, protruding tongue and so forth.
-Symptoms of Down Syndrome greatly differ in terms of intellectual variations. Right from learning disabilities to developmental delays, the severity differs from one child to the next.
-Health issues such as congenital heart defects, vision and hearing loss, immune system problems, thyroid issues and more might affect those with Down Syndrome.
-It is possible to diagnose Down Syndrome before birth, commonly through a blood test and ultrasound. However, these tests aren’t 100% accurate.
-There is no treatment for Down Syndrome, however with therapy and assistance any child can live a better quality of life.
-Life expectancy of those with Down Syndrome has increased greatly due to the advent of medical technology and the overall improvement of quality of life.
Neuropedia Offers fantastic all-round therapy for children with Down Syndrome. We welcome you to our Children’s Neuroscience Center.